coLAB + 180 Degrees win AIA 2016 "unbuilt" award for the DBGHC / by Matthew Salenger

Comments from the jury...."Just damn smart! That about sums up the jury's response to this submission. Smart, no so much in the modern prerogative of smart-cities, smart-buildings, and the like. Just damn smart. Thoughtful. As in common sense applic…

Comments from the jury....

"Just damn smart! That about sums up the jury's response to this submission. Smart, no so much in the modern prerogative of smart-cities, smart-buildings, and the like. Just damn smart. Thoughtful. As in common sense applications of consideration, adaptation, accommodation, application, and collegial collaboration. Using all resources available and the invention of that what was missing, this proposal speaks volumes on a philosophical as well as existential level as to how WE as designers need to elevate our game. 

This project resets the bar for what social architecture can do and be. The rest spoke for itself in the mind of the jurors."